Corinthian Lodge now accepts credit card and other
electronic payments via PayPal!
Simply link a credit card to your PayPal account and payments made with that method will hit your credit card just like a regular online purchase. We ask that you add a 4% convenience fee to the amount you are paying unless it’s a gift to the Lodge or Foundation. This helps the Lodge offset PayPal processing fees. PayPal does not charge the payer (you) a fee. Below are instructions for various types of payments to Corinthian Lodge #93, as well as our 501(c)(3) non-profit Corinthian Lodge Foundation.
To pay Corinthian Lodge
Use the link below to pay dues, petition fees, event tickets, gear purchases, & non-tax-deductible gifts for operations of the Lodge. Please add a 4% convenience fee to the amount due.
Once you’re on the PayPal screen, you should see the Lodge’s black and white logo and the name “Corinthian Lodge #93 A.F.&A.M.” Click ‘send’ and follow the instructions.
In the ‘What’s this payment for?’ field, give detailed notes including your name and the purpose of your payment.
Gifts to the Lodge Operating Fund help us pay for expenses such as postage, office supplies, regalia, social events, rent, as well as offsetting the dues for distressed worthy brothers. The Lodge runs on a razor-thin budget, so these non-tax-deductible gifts are deeply appreciated. For financial gifts to the Lodge, the convenience fee is not necessary, but is appreciated.

To pay the Corinthian Lodge Foundation
Use the link below to make tax-deductible, charitable donations or pay for annual raffle tickets. Please add a 4% convenience fee to raffle ticket purchases or any other non-donation payments, and give detailed notes including your full name and the purpose of your payment in the ‘What’s this payment for?’ field.
Once you’re on the PayPal screen, you should see a picture of our banner with a gavel and the name “Corinthian Lodge Charitable Foundation.” Click ‘send’ and follow the instructions.

For donations to the Foundation, the convenience fee is not necessary, but is appreciated.
We assume all donations are unrestricted unless otherwise noted.
Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible, and help Corinthian Lodge accomplish its charitable mission. Our Foundation supports both public and Masonic charitable efforts.
Nonprofit beneficiaries of your gifts include The Red Devils (breast cancer support), National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, Maryland Food Bank, House of Ruth, and others. Masonic charities include the Maryland Masonic Museum, Masonic youth and appendant bodies, and Masonic assistance appeals in areas affected by natural disaster.